My winter work as completed, updated the stereo head unit, reworked some dash wires, changed the air compressors wires & changed from inline fuses to breakers. Got all back together the night before my right hand surgery . Had to move the truck out for a 2nd time as forgot to get the ice machine needed for my hand & in the rush I damaged the drivers door badly, sprung it! My doors are stock hing & stock latch suicided !I have over 40 hours in each door. I hope to save the door ,but just in case I found a stock door with my friend Ricky's help . If I have to replace it ,it will be a lot of work using the end places that I alrealy have changed on my door!
With all this in front of me ,my hand in a cast till Jan 30, & my first show of 2025 , Forbidden Fantasy, a 9.5 drive for me. Lots to do in a short time, truck just not make the first show, but I WILL GO ANYWAYS!
Made some headway, made a cradle to make it easier to remove & install the door. The main dent is coming out pretty well, 2 cracks one at each side of the window post, a little welding & all will be good .