Erwin Merida
Last Activity:
Feb 10, 2025 at 1:16 PM
Sep 18, 2016
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Long Beach, California

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Erwin Merida

Toyotaholic, Male, from Long Beach, California

Just keep trucking! Jan 24, 2025

Erwin Merida was last seen:
Feb 10, 2025 at 1:16 PM
    1. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      Just keep trucking!
    2. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      Taking a friends truck to an event feels like cheating..
    3. NashMan
      so would you liek the crank trigger setup ?
      1. Erwin Merida likes this.
      2. Erwin Merida
        Erwin Merida
        Unfortunately I'm going to pass on this for now. I appreciate the follow up! Glws
        May 25, 2024
    4. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      Working on getting all the front end pieces so I can start painting them and slapping them on! Still need a new bumper and grill logo.
    5. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      Everytime I look at my truck, she gives me the eyes.. I think shes cheating on me!
    6. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      Never give up.
    7. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      What are good prices for machine work in 2024?! Resurfacing block and head, bore hone, cap hone/polish, valve seats, valve train setup?
    8. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      I need one of those 2 story tool boxes, filled to the brim!! Haha
    9. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      Been piling tools, going to get back to it!
    10. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      Yesterday's show reminded me that no matter what stage in your build you are in.. enjoy driving it!
    11. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      Need to put an exhaust system together. Was thinking of going magnaflow cat 2.25 all the way back with either glass pack or turbo mufflers..
    12. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      Headed to JCCS in October!! Can wait to see a bunch of cool cars and trucks!! Aiming to have my RN80 there soon! It might be my AW11 first.
    13. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      Locally hunting down a decent engine shop, my 2 go to shops are closed now.. hard times hitting errbody.
    14. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      On a hunt for all LED bulbs inside and out.. thinking all of 'em be same color.. including cluster!
    15. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      Came across a good deal for a Windsor 302 plus oe clutch kit and t5 in decent shape.. but then for sure need the smog connect!!
      1. Pearce
        Isn't one of they things to make a swap legal in California just putting in a newer motor that meet emissions standards for the time?
        Apr 8, 2023
      2. Erwin Merida
        Erwin Merida
        Na they added things like, motor has to be of same amount of cyl., Has to be newer and I believe same automaker.. plus all emissions related to such motor. Then a state reff needs to be ok with it before it gets smogged. I have the reference manual just dnt remember exactly atm
        Apr 11, 2023
    16. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      It's sucks going into my lair, and seeing half my tools gone. And most of my new parts gone... Moving my projects to safer grounds.
      1. Pearce
        Oh man sorry to hear of this. Hate what the government is doing to people in blue states. Many places security isn't really a thing because the consequences of being a thief is so high. And you only keep the honest out.
        Mar 16, 2023
        Erwin Merida likes this.
    17. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      Thieves got to my tools and parts over the winter.. staying positive, moving forward!
    18. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      Just keep trucking!
    19. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      To succeed you have to keep your goals in front of you! No matter how small they may be.
    20. Erwin Merida
      Erwin Merida
      Don't you hate it when your parts list just keeps growing!! Haha #realaddictions
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  • About

    Long Beach, California
    LEXXXI - angry '93 ShortBed
    Current Modifications:
    Reviving a 93 shorty with some TLC!
    Future Modifications:
    NOS. Lightweight forged internals. High lift cam. Lightweight flywheel. Lightweight valve system. Bigger fuel system. Possibly MegaSquirt.


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