Thoughts on gun control?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Litneon, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. Litneon

    Litneon Super Moderator Staff Member

    Mar 29, 2007
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    Cocoa, FL
    94 xtra cab
    What are your thoughts?

    Let me lay down some guide lines here though. Be respectful. If someone has an opposing view, don't start calling names...
  2. NashMan

    NashMan Toyotaholic

    Nov 11, 2012
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    Vancouver Island, Canada
    94 2wd
    the states should copy canada's rules

    just had huge debate on my face book about this too
  3. MattMcCarthy

    MattMcCarthy Veteran

    Jun 1, 2010
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    Monterey, CA
    89 2jz
    I would say they need to quit pointing the finger at guns and point the finger at helping those with mental issues...

    I know of a school counselor who states how it is right now in the schools, there are not enough of counselors to help the amount of students given to them (she 1 counselor for 1300 students) They will fall through the cracks and should not. That is my 2 cent

    TRUCK ACTION Grand Toyotaholic

    Jan 5, 2008
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    88 Extracab,2wd
    Gun Control

    If you own them---control them---keep them secured--- but @ ready-- know how & when to use them & don't let this country take the right to have them away, along with ammo!!:cool:
  5. NashMan

    NashMan Toyotaholic

    Nov 11, 2012
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    Vancouver Island, Canada
    94 2wd
    funny part is they don't wana take them away just add rules stricker rules

    which will help
  6. yota4life

    yota4life Grand Toyotaholic

    Jun 28, 2009
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    lodi ca
    1991 xcab 2wd 4cyl
    I think its stupid. Do they blame the car for killing ppl when drunk drivers kill ppl no they blame the driver. So why shud they blame the gun for killing someone. The gun doesn't pull the trigger or load it up with ammo just my 2 cents
  7. Byronics

    Byronics Veteran

    Oct 26, 2011
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    Hilo, Hawaii
    89' Single cab
    I don't think they should ban firearms. It'll probably drive more people to get illegal guns and i'm sure there'll be more out there with grinded off serial numbers. maybe stricter laws could help but its not the guns fault for all the killing that's happening. its the person holding the gun.
  8. IronNam

    IronNam Grand Toyotaholic

    Sep 11, 2008
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    Kansas -> NorCal
    94 XCab
    I seriously agree.
  9. Under Construction '93

    Under Construction '93 Addict

    Feb 14, 2010
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    1993 Std Pickup
  10. dillinja666

    dillinja666 Toyotaholic

    Feb 19, 2010
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    san diego
    I gots no truck, for now
    Im getting my california weapons permit tomorrow...whos with me?
  11. raylcc

    raylcc Addict

    Feb 28, 2012
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    Denver, CO
    89 Regular Cab. The weirdo with the stock suspension.
    I consider myself a "gun collector" with a few dozen that I own. That being said, I'm not against the idea of SANE gun control laws and I think I have a way to do it that addresses all involved and they're concerns. Of course, it makes sense, so naturally, neither side would ever go for it.
    I think there should be a licencing system like is in place for cars. Think about it: If you want to drive a car, you can't just scream "Its mah right!" and hop into one and blaze down the highway. You have to study, take the test, prove you can handle driving a car and then you are issued your license. Then if you want to drive a motorcycle, you take another class, a test ect and get a motorcycle endorsement. Want to drive an 18 wheeler? Another class/test and another endorsement. I think this could, and should be adapted to guns as well.
    Say you are 18 and want to buy a rifle or shotgun. You take the gun safety class, learn proper care and handling and firing of a rifle and pass the test and you are issued your gun license. turn 21 and want to buy a handgun? you take the class/test and you receive a handgun endorsement on your license.
    Want to own an assault rifle? Class/test and you get another endorsement that will clear you for ownership of military-style rifles, both semi AND full auto. Concealed carry? same thing.
    When you want to buy another, you walk into any gun shop and show your license. The seller does a quick background check to make sure your license is in good standing and you can make the purchase with no problems.
    Along with that I think there should be laws on containing firearms as well. Here in Colorado we have a "puffer law". Its against the law to start your car and leave it in the driveway to warm up while you go back into your house and have another cup of coffee. Its basically a law to protect idiots from helping other idiots to steal they're cars. I think the same should apply to guns with increasing levels of containment as the owner goes up in the endorsement process:
    Lock boxes and such for handguns and rifles and going up to full-on high security gun safes and trigger locks for military rifles.
    I think this process would make it easier for the law abiding citizens to get and keep the firearms they have a right to own while also adding checks and balances into the system to keep them out of the hands of people who cannot handle the responsibility of owning firearms and/or could be dangerous with them. It BY FAR will not catch every bad guy or eliminate gun violence altogether, nothing will. But it would help.
    Ok, off my soapbox.
  12. NashMan

    NashMan Toyotaholic

    Nov 11, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Vancouver Island, Canada
    94 2wd
    ^ i like what is mentioned above but certon guns should be limted.. as in if the gun is more like an assault you have to onw and gun aka pricitce gun for yeasr's befor you able to own something like it

    and these guns are not alowed in he bush and only in a range were liances can be cheaked ect

    high cap mag should out lawed as well

    theres alot that can be done and hope to god it happens because you country needs it then after that go after the driveing laws
  13. jctoy29

    jctoy29 Addict

    Jan 14, 2010
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    1993 toyota standard cab short bed
    I blame Obama and people who voted thinkng he was the best man for this country. Hes trying to control everything you do. Gun control just another form of communism. Martial law will be here sooner then you know it. Start stocking up on your guns n ammo gentleman.
  14. Gr8KornHolio

    Gr8KornHolio Veteran

    Apr 13, 2010
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    Dallas, TX
    85 regular cab longbed 22R
    I've never owned a gun, have though about it a lot though. I see no problem with responsible people owning them, but there is the problem. Responsible people are by and far the minority in this country. It's evident in everything, not just gun ownership. This country has become a bunch of finger pointing blame the other guy follow the masses society. My thoughts on gun control... you can't control it. Crazies will get guns if they exist, so either everyone is packing and you take your chances on getting shot yourself if you go on a rampage, or you just straight destroy all and every gun in existence in this country. Good Luck.

    We'll just keep putting band aids on it though and politicians will use it to get re-elected and years from now we'll be debating the same thing and still not progressed at all.

    TRUCK ACTION Grand Toyotaholic

    Jan 5, 2008
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    88 Extracab,2wd
    In regards to Martial law, you can have all the guns & ammo you can buy,if that ever happens it won't do you a whole lot of good!
    You or I can not defend ourselves against the greatest nation in the world! You think to can you are very wrong!

    I saw Martial Law in acted in the late 60's during the riots,if you were on the streets when told not to be ,you were shoot,end of story!!

    A person I know was in the National Guard, he was maning a 50 cal on a jeep, & his orders were no warning shots!!

    We just have to vote to keep the rights we have ,fight hard to do so, & pray we don't lose them!!:cool:
  16. Litneon

    Litneon Super Moderator Staff Member

    Mar 29, 2007
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    Cocoa, FL
    94 xtra cab
    I must weigh in on this too.

    First, driving a car is not in the Bill of Rights. The right to bear arms is.

    Secondly, we have plenty of laws on the books controlling firearms, we DO NOT need more.

    The second amendment was ratified to allow the citizens of the United States to protect themselves from tyrannical government, not for hunting or sport shooting.

    The argument that it was meant to allow individuals to own muskets and similar weapons, but not rifles and so called "assault weapons" might be valid, but since battle rifles and "assault weapons" didn't exist then, it's a silly argument to make.
    The founders stated in many other periodicals including the federalist papers that their intention was that we have the ability to posses the same technology as our government so that we might defend ourselves from it.

    Now, does that mean that we should be allowed to own fighter jets and grenade launchers and such? I think to some extent yes, but to a point. Where that point is located is not for me to decide.

    Guns are not the problem here. What we have is an orchestrated plan enacted starting in the early 1900's by the progressives to begin to change America's way of thinking. To get us away from individualism and self reliance and guide our minds into government reliance. Take the reactions to the recent hurricane in the Northeast, "Who's going to pay to fix MY house?"

    REALLY? If you bought insurance, then you may get them to pay for it, but if not, YOU WILL. Or you'll live in a box until someone helps you out of the kindness of their heart (which is great by the way).

    We've removed any semblance of the Ten Commandments or any similar list of morals out of the schools and now some people don't know that there is value in LIFE, that killing is WRONG.

    What's more, we play video games that desensitize us to killing. Not that I think that we shouldn't be allowed to have games like that, but we get so used to seeing death in games, movies, and on the news that it's a relatively easy decision to make to kill another human being.

    If you'd make the argument that the stats support curbing violence with gun control, to quote Jeremy Clarkson, "You'd be wrong."

    Here is an interesting video I stumbled upon about stats, what the media is telling us, or not.....

    Another article from Russia pleading with us not to follow in their footsteps...

    Americans never give up your guns - English
  17. Litneon

    Litneon Super Moderator Staff Member

    Mar 29, 2007
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    Cocoa, FL
    94 xtra cab
    It's a terrible idea to allow the government inside your house to tell you that you have to do anything much less have this vault for this gun and that safe for that.

    That's downright ludicrous. If I own a rifle, who's to tell me that I have to keep it under lock and key? If someone breaks into the house in the middle of the night, do I request that they hold still while I open the safe to retrieve my defense weapon? :duh:

    High capacity mags don't kill more people than mag changes do, I compete in IPSC matches on a regular basis. If you wanted to go on a killing spree, then a 10 round mag wouldn't slow you down very much, you'd just carry more mags. :duh:

    These ideas don't fix the problem. We have to figure out how to modify the behavior of the person intent on doing the killing. One way is to make them think twice about their own personal safety.
    "Will attacking this guy likely result in my death?" If he's armed, then yes. :waytogo:
  18. Under Construction '93

    Under Construction '93 Addict

    Feb 14, 2010
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    1993 Std Pickup
    Amen to everything lit has to say. I'm with ya.
  19. NashMan

    NashMan Toyotaholic

    Nov 11, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Vancouver Island, Canada
    94 2wd
    I still think your rules stink

    and should be revised to keep fan boys away. these are the people you do not want owning a gun.

    protecting your house is easy get a bloody dog, Most robbers will bust into your house when you are not there, not to bust in to have a gun fight when you are home or have Chance of getting caught and when you are not home my freinds is when guns get stolen and thrown on the black market. because there not locked up.

    our guns here in canada just have to be lock in a bolted down case with a lock and key

    and I can see graduation licaeing being good thing to impolment to new gun owners and gun owner under certon age

    and what i mean by large caspity mag is large banana mags and drum mags

    if you vote agansit these rules witch are being consider that is pretty foolish
  20. raylcc

    raylcc Addict

    Feb 28, 2012
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    Denver, CO
    89 Regular Cab. The weirdo with the stock suspension.
    I agree with some of what Lit says. Like I said, I consider myself a collector, and as a collector I feel I should be able to collect any firearm I choose for my collection... Or anyone else for that matter, for whatever reason they have to want they're particular firearm of choice. My idea of licensing is simply a way to address all the interests involved. Laws are a compromise at best and... especially in the case of gun control, are largely based on knee-jerk reactions by people with agendas on BOTH sides. Most of the anti-gun people are idiots. Unfortunately, most of the pro-gun radicals are too. There's no common sense coming from either side.
    I do, however, disagree with the idea that containment shouldn't be regulated. Guns are dangerous weapons, not toys. One of the things I think a large number of gun owners don't understand is the responsibility they are taking on when purchasing a firearm. A gun will fire regardless of who is pulling the trigger and it is up to the buyer to make sure that that gun doesn't fall into the wrong hands and be used in a criminal way. I consider this a moral obligation in accepting responsibility of gun ownership.
    As for the argument of access to firearms when needed: That argument is ridiculous, and grows more so with each advancement in storage technology. As a firearms owner, you are most likely one or two adults protecting your home and family from one or two burglars. You are NOT Rambo and the Sandinistas most likely aren't going to invade your particular house using several hundred heavily armed soldiers in che guevera t-shirts. If they do, your screwed, regardless of what arsenal you have an how quickly you can access it. Lock boxes that are specifically made for gun storage are usually made for quick and easy access for the owner and security against those that wish to steal your guns. With practice, the owner can access they're gun almost immediately. virtually in the same time it would take to pull it out of a night stand, bread box, anal cavity or where ever else you think to hide a gun un-secured. The difference is: If the burgular happens to get to your gun before you, its locked and can't be used on you. It just makes sense.

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